Why do we require VVB?
Since Kyoto protocol was signed in 1997, different National and International bodies from the level of UNO (United Nations Organisation)
to local Governments have come up with various Methodologies/ Standards/ Programs/ Mechanisms to monitor, evaluate &
verify adverse Climate impact induced by Organisations, Companies,
Businesses, Manufacturing & Energy sectors, practices and individuals.
Validation/Verification Bodies (VVBs) play an important role in this process by conducting third-party
independent assessments to provide unbiased confirmation that projects are in line with the laid down Standards,
Methodologies or Mechanisms, under which they are being implemented.
Why TSA?
To assist organisations in compliance of these mechanisms, we provide following services for pursued Green projects :
- Testing
- Inspection
- Auditing
- Evaluation
- Monitoring
- Validation
- Verification
- Assurance
- Counselling
- Credits-Trading
We provide independent third-party services to objectively validate, verify, check, audit and report measures
implemented by Project Proponents/ PoA (Programme of Activities), listed in different Registries across the world.